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독자적인 기술


Bronchial health food containing white balloon flower powder and 6 herbal medicines

· 식품유형 Healthcare Food (Liquid)
· 포장단위 450g (15g * 30sticks)
· 제품특징 1. Use of Patent Technology for Preventing Respiratory Diseases
2. Using 3-year-old white balloon flower grown by agricultural technicians in Jeju
3. Put the whole white balloon flower powder in it
4. Contains extracts of 6 medicinal herbs that are good for bronchial health
5. It removes bitterness, so women and children can eat it
· 관련특허 1. Manufacturing Method of liquid products including balloon flower powder (Patent 10-2332638)
2. Composition for preventing and treating respiratory diseases including white balloon flower aged materials (Patent 10-2513559)
· 품질인증 FSSC22000

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